Professor B Math

Level 1 Answer Key - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
This little answer key provides answers to all of the questions in the Professor B Level 1 workbook. For comprehensive information about Professor B Math, visit our other website at

Level 2 Answer Key - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
This little answer key provides answers to all of the questions in the Professor B Level 2 workbook. For comprehensive information about Professor B Math, visit our other website at

Level 3 Answer Key - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
This little answer key provides answers to all of the questions in the Professor B Level 3 workbook. For comprehensive information about Professor B Math, visit our other website at

Level 1 Workbook - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
The workbook offers many unique practice exercises that make it possible for children to achieve the mastery which represents readiness for the next level. The 141-page workbook for Level 1 contains no endless pages of the same question. Purchase one …

Level 2 Workbook - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
The workbook offers many unique practice exercises that make it possible for children to achieve the mastery which represents readiness for the next level. The 144-page workbook for Level 2 contains no endless pages of the same question. Purchase one …

Level 3 Workbook - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
The workbook offers many unique practice exercises that make it possible for children to achieve the mastery which represents readiness for the next level. The 131-page workbook for Level 3 contains no endless pages of the same question. Purchase one …

Chart Book - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
The charts book contains detailed instructions for speed practice, very quickly learning to count from one to one hundred and beyond; doubling numbers mentally; acquiring strong skills in column addition; and maintaining mastery of the multiplication …

Level 3 Video - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
Optional Item - not included in the Level 3 KitProfessor Barrett will personally teach you with these videos. His instructions will give you confidence that, YES, you can do it, no matter how you learn best! Each video gives a step-by-step tutorial …

Level 2 Video - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
Optional Item - not included in the Level 2 KitProfessor Barrett will personally teach you with these videos. His instructions will give you confidence that, YES, you can do it, no matter how you learn best! Each video gives a step-by-step tutorial …

Level 1 Video - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
Optional Item - not included in the Level 1 Kit Professor Barrett will personally teach you with these videos. His instructions will give you confidence that, YES, you can do it, no matter how you learn best! Each video gives a step-by-step tutorial …

Level 2 Textbook - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
The textbook for use by the instructor has 159 pages. It contain clear, easy to follow instructions for presenting every lesson and concept. No teacher preparation is needed other than to glance over the lesson before you start. Even older children …

Level 1 Textbook - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
The textbook for use by the instructor has 159 pages. It contain clear, easy to follow instructions for presenting every lesson and concept. No teacher preparation is needed other than to glance over the lesson before you start. Even older children …

Level 3 Textbook - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
The textbook for use by the instructor has 159 pages. It contain clear, easy to follow instructions for presenting every lesson and concept. No teacher preparation is needed other than to glance over the lesson before you start. Even older children …

Level 2 Kit - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
Covers: original and effective methods for thorough understanding and mastery of multiplication/division facts, multiplication, long division, fractional equivalence, addition/subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers.Mathematics Power Learning for …

Level 3 Kit - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
Covers: original and effective methods for thorough understanding and mastery of multiplication/division of fractions, the decimal and metric systems, operations on decimals, transforming among fractions/ decimals/percents and rounding offMathematics …

Level 1 Kit - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
Covers: original number sense activities and approaches to addition/subtraction facts, reading very large numbers, addition/subtraction with very large numbers using place value and column addition.Mathematics Power Learning for Children Level One …

Professor B Power Algebra Book 1
Professor B Math
Professor B methodology carefully nurtures children's perception of connection and flow in arithmetic so they experience enjoyment and mastery of math content. To nurture learners' perception of connection and flow, Professor B Algebra integrates …

Professor B Power Algebra Book 2
Professor B Math
Professor B methodology carefully nurtures children's perception of connection and flow in arithmetic so they experience enjoyment and mastery of math content. To nurture learners' perception of connection and flow, Professor B Algebra integrates …

Video Upgrade Kit - Professor B Mathematics Power Learning
Professor B Math
Optional Item - not included in the Professor B Complete Book KitProfessor Barrett will personally teach you with these videos. His instructions will give you confidence that, YES, you can do it, no matter how you learn best! Each video gives a …

Professor B Power Algebra Book 3
Professor B Math
Professor B methodology carefully nurtures children's perception of connection and flow in arithmetic so they experience enjoyment and mastery of math content. To nurture learners' perception of connection and flow, Professor B Algebra integrates …