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Intermediate (4th to 6th)

Life of Fred Intermediate is specially designed for students who are not yet 10 years of age but have finished the Elementary Series. This series is also is excellent for those who are in 5th or 6th Grade who are struggling with math or are switching from any other math curriculum.

We highly recommend that students in the 5th and 6th grade complete these three books before starting Life of Fred Fractions. Since Life of Fred presents math using a completely different approach, it can be beneficial for many students to back up a bit and review some of the concepts they have already covered. This helps them to get comfortable with this learning approach without them finding it too challenging. It will also give them practice with word problems which many students struggle with.

You are ready to start Life of Fred Intermediate when...
1. You can add and subtract
2. You have an understanding of multiplication and division
3. You have finished Life of Fred Ice Cream

Dr. Schmidt recommends that all students up to 4th grade start with Apples and work their way through the entire Elementary Series followed by the Intermediate Series.

There are three books in Intermediate Series, available individually or in a set.