Elementary (1st to 4th Grade)
You are ready to start Life of Fred Elementary when...
1. You can talk in sentences.
2. You are willing to listen to a 5 page story.
3. You can hold a pencil.
4. You can print the digits 0 to 10
5. You know your basic addition and subtraction facts up to 10
Dr. Schmidt recommends that all students up to 4th grade start with Apples and work their way through the entire elementary series.
1. You can talk in sentences.
2. You are willing to listen to a 5 page story.
3. You can hold a pencil.
4. You can print the digits 0 to 10
5. You know your basic addition and subtraction facts up to 10
Dr. Schmidt recommends that all students up to 4th grade start with Apples and work their way through the entire elementary series.

Life of Fred Apples
Polkadot Publishing
This book covers beginning mathematics including . . . Numbers that Add to 7 Circles Ellipses Reading 6:00 on a Clock 5 + ? = 7 Days of the Week Leap Years Spelling February 15 Degrees Below Zero (-15°) Counting by Fives 3x + 4x = 7x ante meridiem …

Life of Fred Butterflies
Polkadot Publishing
This book covers beginning mathematics including . . . One Yard = 3 Feet Numbers that Add to 9 Counting by twos Reading 5:10 on a Clock Braces, Parentheses and Brackets Why Not Every Three Stars Can Make a Triangle Collinear Reading 5:55 on a Clock …

Life of Fred Cats
Polkadot Publishing
This book covers beginning mathematics including . . . Commutative Cardinality of a Set One Quarter Numerals vs. Numbers Counting by Threes Finding Patterns Right Angles A Quarter to Three 5280 Feet in a Mile Numbers Expressed as Hundreds, Tens and …

Life of Fred Dogs
Polkadot Publishing
This book covers beginning mathematics including . . . One Million the Game of Doubles Fortnight Digits in a Number Two Dimes = 20 Cents Doubling 1 ➔ 2 ➔ 4 ➔ up to 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 (which is 100 doubles) 7 - z = 4 …

Life of Fred Edgewood
Polkadot Publishing
This book covers beginning mathematics including . . . Concurrent Lines Parallel Lines Trapezoids Right Angles Functions Rhombuses Constant Functions Median Average Writing Larger Numbers with Commas Using Logarithms to Solve 2x = 5 Birdie Rule for …

Life of Fred Farming
Polkadot Publishing
This book covers beginning mathematics including . . . Adding to 14 Googol Percents Adding to 16 Rows of a Matrix Median Average Union of Sets All of Mathematics Generated by the Empty Set Proof that the Set of Everything (the Universal Set) Cannot …

Life of Fred Goldfish
Polkadot Publishing
This book covers beginning mathematics including . . . Drawing Things to Scale Digits in a Number the Whole Point of Math Polygons Sequences Definition of an Acre Meters vs. Yards Kilograms vs. Pounds Area of a Rectangle Cubic Feet into Gallons …

Life of Fred Honey
Polkadot Publishing
This book covers beginning mathematics including . . . Commutative Law of Multiplication Closed Under Addition Quarter of an Hour Cardinal Numbers d = rt One Trillion Exponents 1½ + 1½ Is This a Function? Long Division Fractions …

Life of Fred Ice Cream
Polkadot Publishing
This book covers beginning mathematics including . . . The Big Question in Arithmetic Multiplying Two-digit Numbers A Pound of Hamburger Weighs More Than a Pound of Gold The Last Ten Multiplication Facts How to Remember 7X8 = 56 Sigma Notation …

Life of Fred Jelly Beans
Polkadot Publishing
This book covers beginning mathematics including . . . Finding One-third of a Number Using Fisher's Exact test Prime Numbers Fibonacci Numbers Casting Out Nines Seven to the One-thousandth Power in Three Steps Intersection of Sets Commutativity …

Life of Fred Elementary Set 3
Polkadot Publishing
This Set Includes: Life of Fred: Ice Cream Life of Fred: Jelly Beans

Life of Fred Elementary Set 1
Polkadot Publishing
This set includes: Life of Fred: Apples Life of Fred: Butterflies Life of Fred: Cats Life of Fred: Dogs

Life of Fred Elementary Set 2
Polkadot Publishing
This Set Includes: Life of Fred: Edgewood Life of Fred: Farming Life of Fred: Goldfish Life of Fred: Honey

Life of Fred Complete Elementary Set
Polkadot Publishing
This Kit contains: Life of Fred: Apples Life of Fred: Butterflies Life of Fred: Cats Life of Fred: Dogs Life of Fred: Edgewood Life of Fred: Farming Life of Fred: Honey Life of Fred: Goldfish Life of Fred: Ice Cream Life of Fred: Jelly Beans