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Life of Fred Metamathematics

Upper division (junior/senior) pure math is much different than calculus. No "word problems," no formulas to memorize, no concrete applications – just puzzles to solve. Instead of learning procedures, students create definitions, theorems, and …

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The subfields of math.  Turing machines definition.  Adding, subtracting, recognizing more than two symbols.  The impossibility of locating all the non-blank symbols on an input tape.  Turing machines with two tracks.  With two tapes.  Unary notation.  The universal computer.  Turing machines on an infinite checkerboard instead of a tape.  The halting problem.  Dealing with negative numbers, copying a number, multiplying, exponentiation, projection and constant functions, determining if x > y.  Doing logic computations.  Doing geometry.  True vs. provable.  Gödel's First and Second Incompleteness Theorems.  Computable functions defined.  The Church-Turing thesis.  Primitive recursive functions.  General recursive functions.  The Ackermann function.  Self-replicating machines.  P and NP functions.

All answers are included in the textbook.

Technical Data

Cover Hardcover Textbook
Number of Pages 128
Colour Content Black and White
Reproducible No
Number of Lessons
Answer Key Included
Biblical Content Occasional references - accepted by many USA Public and Charter schools.
Ages Upper Division College

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